Snoring and Sleep Apnea Solutions
Chronic snoring and sleep apnea can leave you and your loved ones feeling tired and irritable due to disrupted sleep. At Eagle Creek Dental Centre, we understand the importance of a restful night’s sleep, which is why we offer snoring and sleep apnea appliances in Burnaby. Our goal is to help you regain energy and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the day.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where your breathing repeatedly stops for intervals of 10 to 30 seconds during sleep. These pauses lower your blood oxygen levels, prompting your brain to briefly wake you to resume breathing. Often, these awakenings are so brief that you may not even realize you’ve woken up multiple times throughout the night. As a result, you may feel groggy, irritable, and fatigued during the day.
How Can Our Dentists Help with Sleep Apnea?
Dentists are often the first to detect signs of sleep apnea during routine examinations. Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles at the back of your throat relax, blocking your airway. Our dentists may notice indicators of sleep apnea, such as a small jaw, redness in your throat, scalloped edges on your tongue, or signs of teeth grinding and clenching. These clues can help us identify potential sleep apnea and recommend appropriate treatment.
Dental Solutions for Sleep Apnea
If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, seeking treatment is crucial, as it can be a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition. At Downtown Dental Victoria, we offer custom-made sleep devices designed to keep your airway open throughout the night. These devices work by gently moving your jaw forward, increasing the size of your upper airway and allowing air to pass freely. By preventing the muscles in your throat from relaxing too much, the device helps keep your airway clear. These sleep devices are highly effective for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea.